


Beyond Her Sexuality: A Woman of Substance; ROYELLE

As an- up-and-coming, female artist, Royelle recognizes the struggle she faces entering the rap industry. Traditionally, female artists who succeed are over-sexualized and or rise-to-the-top, riding along-side a male counterpart, serving solely as their side-chick and or lover. Women artists become, known most for their body parts before their raw talent as rappers. The reoccurring story line of every music video is boobs before brains. Women dropping it like its hot, twerking derrieres, bouncing up-and-down and again, all for the pleasure of the male counterpart. Where does that leave a talented lesbian female artist?

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Education To Make Lasting Changes For Life

Happy New Year and a warm welcome to the year 2017!  Speaking of warm, as this issue of the magazine is released, I will most likely be teaching at a School for the Deaf in Hato Mayor, Dominican Republic.  

This trip follows my recent visit to Haiti as I worked with the deaf population in that country back in November.  Within two months, I will have experienced and immersed myself in the Island of Hispaniola’s need for further exploration of Deaf Education along with their desperate need for the education of Sign Language Interpreters.  These experiences have led me to see the dire need for education to make lasting changes for life.

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Did The Holidays Steal Your Happy Hoo-Haa?

I’ve spent a career working with women in the salon industry. My goal has been to make women feel sexier and more confident. Since I truly believe that happiness comes from within, I have always encouraged my clients to make themselves a priority. I’ve also reminded countless women to focus more on their relationships instead of all the extra crap that inundates their lives.  During this past holiday, however, I think many people forgot the true meaning of Christmas.

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Women Who Inspire: Patricia Nadiak

As a young woman, Patricia Nadiak, worked in her family’s dry cleaning business and helped provide for her family.  She enjoyed the work, but it wasn’t her true passion in life.  She was also a young woman who struggled with darker facial hair because of her genetic background. She was always embarrassed because of this.  She got a blessing in disguise when she went to her primary care for acne.  Her primary care told her it wasn’t acne, but ingrown hairs.  He told her to see Patty Entwhistle.

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Cruel and Unusual: The Plight of Seeking Medical Parole or Medical Care While in New York State Prison

Prisons in New York state are far from a five-star resort. When entering the darkened world of the belly of the beast, not only is an inmate stripped of their identity where they become a number but basic human rights often are shed by the wayside. Imagine not having the ability to have a warm shower at times, decent food, fresh fruits and vegetables, the right to not be falsely accused of disciplinary infractions, the right to adequate shelter and the right to medical care. Most recently, according to research done by the reporters at the NY Times in December 2016 ,  Continue reading


Meeting Life’s Challenge’s as Growth Opportunities

Life is full of challenges. Some don’t require much effort while others seem like ominous, impossible circumstances that linger quite some time, until we figure them out… if we figure them out.

My biggest challenge in life has been growing up as a transgender woman in a world that doesn’t understand what “transgender” means. It’s been a series of challenges really, all stemming from being transgender (or perceived “different”) in today’s cultural and social climate.

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The Diva’s Report: The Strathallan Spa
The Diva’s Report: The Strathallan Spa
The Diva’s Report: The Strathallan Spa
The Diva’s Report: The Strathallan Spa
The Diva’s Report: The Strathallan Spa
The Diva’s Report: The Strathallan Spa
The Diva’s Report: The Strathallan Spa
The Diva’s Report: The Strathallan Spa
The Diva’s Report: The Strathallan Spa
The Diva’s Report: The Strathallan Spa
The Diva’s Report: The Strathallan Spa
The Diva’s Report: The Strathallan Spa

The Diva’s Report: The Strathallan Spa

Rochester Woman Online would like to to introduce you to the “Divas”.  We all have heard about them, or we all know them and now we are excited to be able to share the adventures of Kelly Breuer and Cheryl Kates-Benman; known as the Diva’s with you each month.  They will be taking us through a different experience at local spas, resorts, entertainment venues and even local destinations giving you their “diva’s report”.   We may even introduce a few other Divas as we go.

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Self-Publishing: Lets Women Break Book Industry’s Glass Ceiling

Virginia Woolf, a groundbreaking author and her own publisher, may have put it best when she declared that “a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.” In so few words, she summarized the host of challenges facing female writers. 

Many of the issues related to publishing in the days of Virginia Woolf persist. She herself was a self-published author.

We may have made some great strides since then in voting and political rights but, as the wage gap shows, we still have some way to go in publishing.

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It Gets Better With Age

Assuming we are lucky enough to possess good health and safety, we will all become “senior citizens” (or as I prefer “senior adults”) in our lifetime.  What that means to each of us varies greatly depending on our own health, financial situation, family, personality, culture and many other factors that affect attitude and ability to create the life we desire as we age.

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Empowered by a New Freedom

Most working mothers have asked themselves the same question I did after the birth of my sec-ond daughter in June of 2013: “Do I go back to work?” Luckily, my decision was made for me.  I was laid off from my corporate job at Bausch + Lomb after their acquisition by Valeant Pharma-ceutical International–just one day after my maternity leave ended.

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