Athena’s Battle Against Breast Cancer

200,000 BRAS linked together for 1 cause—the Fight Against Breast Cancer. Help us set a World Record and find a cure!!

Across the country and in our own back yard. Athena’s Cup is collecting bras (ANY KIND ANY CONDITION) to make a difference in people’s lives. Celebrities you know and love like George Takei, Elvira, and Rod Stewart and the rock band Cold Play have helped us spread the word that together we can fight back. We are collecting Bras and talking about what we all can do to ensure early detection and one day find a cure.

What is it? The Athena’s Cup was started in October of 2009 by She-E-OHHH and Mother Goddess Jennifer Jolicour of Athena’s Home Novelties and Heavenly Goddess. When she announced a unique and aggressive way to fight Breast Cancer and called it the Athena’s Cup! Not sure what Athena’s is? That is ok I am more than happy to share! Athena’s Home Novelties is a Romance Direct Sales Company where EVERY ONE is included. Athena’s was founded in 1998 with a mission to leave adults feeling happier, smarter, and healthier with their attitudes about sex. With our carefully selected line of quality adult toys and a to die for hair and skin care line as well as spa and massage you will leave our private in home edutaining parties EMPOWERED. sit back and relax I will do all the work while you earn FREE PRODUCTS

The Mission: To raise awareness by breaking the World Record for The Most Bras Hooked Together while simultaneously collecting donations to Help Find a Cure for this deadly disease.

The Athena’s Cup has united over 1200 Goddesses and Adoni nationwide as we rally around this cause for our fallen sisters, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, daughters, and friends. The brave women currently fighting for their lives and for future generations. If You are a Woman or Love a Woman, I ask for your support.

At our last count in Sept of 2017 we are currently at 177.404 bras. We were hoping to have completed this task this October but we have found an island the Island of Cypress who originally held the record was throwing its hat back in the race and going for 200,000. Our original record for this year was 169,000 which we completed!!! Of course, with this new information our new goal is for 200,000 by next October 2018. Leaving us with about 22,596 bras to I am often asked why this cause is so near and dear to my heart and my answer is very simple: about the sametime I had first heard of Athena’s Home Novelties about 9 years ago. Yes,it took me four years to join (silly me) my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Thank Goddess for early detection she did not suffer long and is a 9 year survivor today!! When I finally did join Athena’s and found out about their Largest Fundraiser to Date how could I not help!! My mission is to collect as many as I personally can and boy do I have an incentive for you!! I am personally holding a raffle that at this time is currently at $300 in FREE

ATHENA”S PRODUCTS!! This Raffle will be held on FACEBOOK LIVE ON Sat September 8, 2018 at 12pm EST. This will be live from the Athena’s National Sales Meeting!! You can follow me at or or

Raffle value may increase depending on how many bras received. Below you will find how to get entered into my BRA Raffle as well as the information needed to send bras to Athena’s Cup directly!!

WE NEED YOUR HELP! As a veteran Goddess for the company for 5 years this cause is very near and dear to my heart and one of the very reasons I joined this amazing company that has become my family. Not only has Athena’s become my family, my business and Athena’s has brought me confidence, the ability to afford my lifestyle my way, I am also traveling the world with Athena’s. I love empowering women and men to get in touch with themselves the happier you are as an individual the more happiness you create around you. It just grows and grows from there (pun intended) and the world could definitely use a little more love today! More importantly than all of these AMAZING GIFTS, ATHENA’S has given me the ability to give back!!! So here is how I plan to help!

Gather as many bras as you can with a mere $5 donation as you can move us closer to our 200,000 bras and $500,000. Host an Athena’s Party or Heavenly Goddess Spa Party, tell your friends to grab their ANY CONDITION BRAS and I will hold a bra raffle at the party as well as put them in my $300 FREE PRODUCT RAFFLE on Sept 8, 2018.

Please feel free to write loved ones names on your bras You can also be entered into this raffle by sending me your bras I will reimburse your shipping in products with proof of receipt to Gina’s Gadgets by Athena’s at 49 Smith Bridge Rd Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 email pic of receipt with date and tracking number and address to for reimbursement. I will mail you your raffle tickets or message them to you on facebook. EVERY BRA IS WORTH 1 RAFFLE TICKET make sure if sending in a group all names and numbers are bras are together so I can make note!

You can mail to Athena’s Home Novelties at 640 Winter St Woonsocket, RI 02895 PLEASE MAKE ALL CHECKS NO MATTER WHERE YOU MAIL THEM TO PAYABLE TO: ATHENA’S CUP!!

So CLEAN out YOUR BRA DRAWERS and get in TOUCH with ME Goddess Bless Gina Young The Gadget Goddess 6116 check out the Latest Holiday Line at www.athenashn,com/6116 MUST BE 18+